Table of Contents
- Nug basics
- Small nugs vs large nugs: the difference between small and big nugs
- Benefits of small nugs for cannabis users
- Regulated cannabis growing for online cannabis dispensaries
- The best small nugs online
- Is There Really A Difference?
Have you ever been disappointed to find that your cannabis order contained only small nugs and lacked any big, beautiful flowers. What a let down. Because bigger is ALWAYS better. Right?
What’s the deal with nug size? You may be wondering if bigger nugs translate to a better cannabis experience? Well, smaller nugs may just have their own benefits. Who knew!?
Nug basics
What is a nug? Also known as a “flower”, the unofficial measurement of weed refers to a single, tear-drop shaped, cultivated bud tip from the cannabis plant. Much like each plant is unique, every nug is different!
The size of a nug depends on the strain and method of growth, cultivation, care, and trimming. How the plant is dried and cured will also affect the size, shape and quality of nugs.
Small nugs vs large nugs: the difference between small and big nugs
Buds come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Depending on the strain and grower, flower can come in marble-sized balls all the way up to a corn-cob or banana size.
Nugs can range in size from less than a gram to over twenty grams! That’s a pretty big difference.
Are bigger nugs better?
A common belief is that the bigger the nug, the better the weed. In a way, that’s true, just look at this Purple Space Cookies strain. When considering cultivation, plants grown to a larger size with big, healthy flowers showcase better care and growth techniques.
Are bigger nugs more potent?
For some strains, a careful growth environment with regulated temperature and humidity levels allows for plants to grow big and beautiful. Bigger nugs may also include the tip of the bud, where you’ll likely find a higher density of trichomes, leading to a slightly higher potency.
But is bigger better?
Let’s talk about weight. Savvy cannabis consumers know that weight outranks size, especially since cannabis is sold by poundage, not size. Oversized nugs mean thicker, heavier stems and less consumable product. Stems aren’t smokable and are definitely something to consider if your overall nug value.
Tip: If you DO opt for large-stemmed plants, you can always save the stems to use in tea!
What causes smaller nugs?
Flower and nug size depends on the growth of the originating plant. Since dried cannabis is delicate and breaks apart easily, it’s also common for nugs to break apart during shipping, transport, or packaging.
Some online dispensaries like Kootenay Botanicals will also carry intentionally small nug options like Skywalker Kush smalls for consumers who prefer the smaller size.
OGs, popcorn kush, and certain strains like Girl Scout Cookies will naturally produce smaller buds from the cannabis plant. The difference may also indicate a sativa-dominant strain, which commonly produces longer, thinner buds than indica strains that are usually firmer and more compact.
Benefits of small nugs for cannabis users
The flower to stem ratio on smaller nugs just makes more sense for those looking to save a few bucks! While oversized nugs look cool, you can lose up to an eighth of the weight to stem.
At-home storage of cannabis products is also an important factor to consider. Smaller buds are discrete and can be stored in a small, air-tight container.
A few fun and practical benefits to sourcing smaller cannabis nugs:
- Budget-friendly
- Easier storage
- More consumable product per weight
- Same quality and effects
Large or small nugs from the same plant will contain the exact same chemical makeup!
Smaller buds pack the same cannabinoids levels as larger buds of the same strain. So, you’re looking at the same amount of THC, CBD, or terpenes, no matter the size. The smell and taste will also be on par. Additionally, all nugs, big or small, burn the same – if that’s how you plan on consuming!
Do small cannabis nugs cost less?
Farmers, growers, and even dispensaries often sell smaller-sized nugs at a lower price. The more budget-friendly price tag isn’t because you’re getting a product of lesser quality!
“Bigs” or bigger nugs can range in price between $9 and $20 per gram. “Smalls”, on the other hand, can cost as little as $3 to $5 per gram. When ordering a regular-sized order of 28 grams, that price contrast really hits home!
The lower price is likely linked to aesthetic appeal or bag-filling qualities. Smalls just aren’t as photogenic or gram-worthy.
But let’s face it, we don’t buy weed so it can look pretty on a shelf. Purchasing small buds gives consumers the opportunity to try higher-quality flower while staying within their budget.
Regulated cannabis growing for online cannabis dispensaries
Since the legalization of consuming products from cannabis plants in Canada and CBD from hemp in the U.S., growing has seen a surge in regulations. Dispensaries will now have less disparity between size and quality from brand to brand!
It’s no longer a gamble to get bigger or smaller buds. Consumers can pick their preference – whether that’s small, compact flowers or nugs the size of their heads.
The best small nugs online
Forget hoping for your desired nug size in your cannabis order and check out Kootenay Botanicals’ line of small nugs. Here are two great options for the best small buds from your online cannabis dispensary.
- Budget Buds Indica – Island Pink 28g
- Budget Buds Dance Hall 28 g
Budget Buds sources small A-grade flower from Merry Jayne, a small batch grower located in Vancouver, BC. We love Budget Buds by Merry Jayne for the great value to quality balance.
Is There Really A Difference?
In the size debate, the better option comes down to preference! Do you like the bigger, intact buds or the compact flower with a higher consumable ratio?!
The truth is that size doesn’t matter. Overall, the difference between large nugs and small nugs is quite minimal. The only thing to watch out for is that the flowers you’re purchasing aren’t too thin, dry, or 80% stem.
I guess bigger isn’t always better.
Browse through Kootenay Botanicals for more budget-friendly options and plenty of different flowers sourced from local, organic, and high-quality growers across the country.
The Weed Blog: What Size of Nugs Do You Like?
West Word: Ask a Stoner: Does Nug Size Matter?
Bento Delivery: Are Small Nugs Worth the Money
Lyfted blog: Smalls bs bigs: does size matter?
CannMart: Does size matter